Games are played on Saturdays for all players in grades 7&U to 13&U and Monday evening for 13&U to Open. All teams play at HBF Arena Joondalup outdoor netball courts. For updates on fixtures, game times and court allocation please visit the Joondalup Netball Association website www.joondalupnetballassociation.wa.netball.com.au closer to competition commencement. All match times are at the discretion of Joondalup Netball Association. Please keep this in mind when registering your daughter, as players will not be permitted to move teams to suit other commitments that may clash with game times. The NetSetGO program for Children aged 5 & 6 is held at HBF Arena Joondalup on Saturday mornings.
NetSetGO, Set and GO tiers, and junior 11&U & 12&U
Training day/time is at the discretion of the Coach. We aim for each team to have no more than 9 players and rotation is equal (where possible) to ensure all players have similar court time/position rotation for development opportunities. ALL coaches plan for training and match days so it is imperative and courteous that players and /or parents are in communication with their coach with any attendance issues. Coaches have volunteered their time to provide training and therefore we encourage players to respect this by attending their given training session each week. Players are required to be at games at least 30 minutes prior to the published start time. Players must wear correct playing uniform, footwear and display a high standard of behavior whilst representing Beaumaris Netball Club.
Junior teams 13&U to Open
Club training will be Tuesdays at the HBF Arena Joondalup outdoor netball courts. Final confirmation of training times will be communicated once teams and coaches have been finalized. ALL coaches plan for training and match days so it is imperative and courteous that players and/or parents are in communication with their coach with any attendance issues. Without communication to Coaches/Managers it may lead to less court time at the discretion of the Coach. Coaches volunteer their time to provide training and therefore we encourage ALL players to respect this by attending their given training session each week. Team selection for weekly games/finals is at the discretion of the Team coach. Players are required to be at games at least 30 minutes prior to the published start time. Players must wear correct playing uniform, footwear and display a high standard of behavior whilst representing Beaumaris Netball Club.